Conda/miniforge’s base environment
How to have a (base) before a command line like this?
1. After installation: cd to the bin folder, for example:
cd /opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniforge/base/bin
2. Run init:
./conda init zsh
Exit and reopen the terminal.
Advanced for Mac users
“./conda init zsh” will automatically change the file ~/.zshrc, and help set the PATH environment variable for you.
You could check the file .zshrc before and after by using these commands:
cd ~
cat .zshrc
Venv for project
Creating a new venv
cd to the project folder and run this:
python3 -m venv venvname
or this (you will have to run “pip install virtualenv” first if you have not installed it yet)
virtualenv venvname
Activating a venv
. venvname/bin/activate
source venvname/bin/activate
Deactivating an active venv
cd venvname/bin/
$source deactivate
Venv for projects
We could create a venv for multiple projects with the help of conda/miniforge:
0. list all conda discoverable environments:
conda info --envs
If you’re using VSCode or Jupyter Notebook, you could see a list of available environments like this:
1. Creating a new venv:
conda create -n venvname python=x.y.z
x.y.z: python version, you could see a list of available python versions by using:
conda search "^python$"
2. Activating a venv:
conda activate venvname
3. Install a new package:
conda install <package>
For more information see:
conda install --h
4. Deactivating an active venv
conda deactivate
5. Deleting a venv
conda remove -n venvname --all
A note
Note that we could use venv for multiple projects like the way we set up in “2. venv for project”, and this is not smart because we have to remember venv’s path, the venv will also not be included in VSCode or Jupyter Notebook’s environment list: